Alveo Partnerships are Driving Innovation and Impact

Alveo’s vision is to reshape diagnostics for a healthier and more sustainable future. But achieving this vision requires more than just game-changing technology. Advancing molecular diagnostics to solve complex challenges across human health, agriculture, and bio-industrial manufacturing requires collaborations to amplify the impact of our technology and accelerate meaningful change. It takes strategic partnerships with organizations that share our commitment to innovation and impact.
Transforming Agriculture Through Innovation
In agriculture, partnerships with industry leaders like GD Animal Health and x-OvO enable Alveo, collectively, to empower veterinarians and poultry integrators with diagnostic tools that prevent and manage outbreaks. Our partners helped identify the critical need for a Point of Need Bird Flu test and so that is what we’re launching currently in Europe. By integrating cutting-edge diagnostics with field expertise, we’re helping safeguard food security and animal welfare on a global scale.
Academic Partnerships: Fostering Research and Discovery
Our academic partnership program creates opportunities to explore novel applications of molecular diagnostics. Whether through research-only initiatives or commercialization-focused collaborations, these partnerships drive innovation and expand the horizons of what’s possible with our technology. Partners like the Broad Institute, Johns Hopkins and the University of Glasgow are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of caliber and diversity of academic institutions ready to develop on Alveo’s platform.
A Collaborative Path Forward
At Alveo, we know that innovation thrives at the intersection of diverse perspectives and expertise. By building strong, strategic partnerships, we’re not just advancing molecular diagnostics—we’re creating a healthier and more sustainable future. This is the driving force that brought me to Alveo over two years ago and it is what will keep me here for many years to come.
If you’re interested in joining us on this journey, we invite you to explore our partnership opportunities here.